Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Once, Twice, Three times a Skinabee

Picture this:

Trudging down the lonely pavement of a small town: it's lunch time, and a much needed re-fuel is in order. This is the one savourable moment of the day- knowing that in minutes, I'll be able to sink 2 slices of white bread into a frying pan of olive oil, as they surround half of a grated block of cheese (a trade recipe that took me months to perfect). Not to mention the large dousing of garlic salt once cooked to add to my perception of gourmet dining. In addition to this: a dollop of ketchup the size of a small plate, and a homemade chocolate milkshake (made with a quart of icecream, and whipping cream - of course). Top it all off with an entire row of chocolate chip cookies, and the conscience clearer: a can of diet coke.

Angiogram, anyone?

That my friends, was the regular diet of yours truly in highschool - and imagine what dinner was like! It was probably the pinnacle of my overeating childhood; but I still catch myself dreaming of those glutton filled days. Upon reaching my maximum of 230lbs, I finally decided to go the other way and slimmed down to a comfortable 160. However, a skinabee's fight is never fully won!

I suppose I should outline the definition of a skinabee- just to clear up any confusion.
Well, in my "husky" (as my mother so fondly called them) days- I used to be obsessed with the Spice Girls: particularily Ginger. We won't get into the alluring "dusty rose" coloured hair I maintained for the better part of the 90's. Anyway.. the Spice Girls referred to themselves as "Wannabes" - something the whole world could relate with. Everyone wants to be something at one point or another.. and that thing for me was always to be SKINNY. Hence coining the term: SKINABEES!

Over the past seven years since highschool, it's been a labour of hate trying to maintain a normal sense of not only eating; but a normal sense of self. So the reason for all this? Once again, I'm trudging my ass back to the proverbial fitness table. That's right: gym, south beach diet, and all in all "get fit and have fun" styles. The objective: to rewind the clock and jumpstart the second half of my twenties with a bang. Now, it's important to note that by no means do I find myself in the state of my highschool habits... I'm just starting to veer offtrack and turning the wheel before a crash. So, all of this will commence on Monday, April 19th, 2010 - at the break of dawn.

So why do you care? Well, let's be honest.. maybe you don't give a flying. However, I'm going to try and write daily not only to monitor progress, but to serve as a somewhat motivational bookmark. I KNOW there's more SKINABEES out there, and I'm doing this for you too!

Wish me luck, or don't.. only time will tell.. But I'll tell you- I'm ready to go up against the grain.


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